December 2021 Newsletter

Cork board with the title "Together We Are A Masterpiece" and a winter scene with handmaid paper snowflakes, trees and buildings and children playing with Santa in his sleigh in the sky.

Christmas brings out the best version of so many people – we care a little more, give a little more, and show a little more patience and empathy toward others. 

Traditionally, Burkevale has come together as a community to support families from within our school who could use a little extra help during tough times.  COVID protocols are making this a little more difficult, but many families have reached out wanting to support others,  in some capacity. 

Ms. Lahaie will be running the food drive again this year, and boxes will be set up for non-perishables in each of the classrooms.  The donations may be brought into the school from December 6th-15th. 

We have two families that have been selected for the adopt-a-family this year.  Because Christmas Break falls a little earlier this year, we are going to allow families to choose the items for their children.  In lieu of items, there will be a donation link set up on School Days to lend a helping hand.  Mrs. McIvor will send out the link within the week.  Donations will be set for five dollars, but families are able to choose five dollars multiple times if they so desire. Then, based on donation amounts, gift cards will be purchased for the families and delivered prior to Christmas.  

Thanks in advance for your generosity and support. 

We are saddened to announce that there will be no Christmas concert again this year, but hope you realize that all of our safety must remain our priority.  Please know we are thinking of you, hoping to celebrate once again in this capacity in the future.

Christmas carols in the gymnasium have always been a part of our Burkevale tradition.  This year, we will be playing Christmas carols over the PA system during snack time for all students to hear.

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