September 2022 Newsletter

A group of young students posing for a pictures on a colourful set of playground equipment.

A parent recently shared a story with one of our staff members that brought joy to my heart.  She said, “What do you mean you’re not sure what school you’re bringing your daughter to?  Burkevale is the best and only school to send your kids.  There really is no other choice if you want the most caring environment and staff, and the best education around.”  For years, I have felt this way about our staff and students, and it’s fantastic to hear it echoed by our parent community.  Thank you! 

It seems like forever since we have been together and so many staff have commented on how much they’ve missed the students.  This year will be like no other, but in true Burkevale community fashion, I am confident that our students, families and staff will work together to make this a positive learning experience for everyone.  We are committed to supporting the entire child – social, emotional, physical, mental and academic.  We have put structures in place to engage/re-engage students as the new school year begins to help make this year amazing!

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April 2024 Newsletter

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